Saturday, November 15, 2008

neither wind nor rain

Despite tornado warnings (which we didn't know anything about at the time), and dark clouds, and lots of mud, Tom ran the Cross Country Invitational this morning, in Derwood, Maryland. The race was a rehersal for the 2009 USA Cross Country Championships, which will be run on the same course, February 7, 2009.

For a spectator, it was a great 8-kilometer race. The runners ran 4 loops, so I could stand in almost the same place and see Tom run by 4 times. The field was made up of a lot of elite runners (track teams from Larchmont?), the mud on the trails was a problem, the wind picked up early, but Tom persevered to finish third in his age group.

And his friend Jack, in the 75-80 age group, finished first in his age group.

Here's to green shirts, yellow shorts, and white hair—they stood out in the crowd!

Monday, November 10, 2008

let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

Well, at least a little bit.

We woke up this morning to about 3 inches of wet snow.

Shopping report: At Betsy's in Ellicottville, Tom picked up a pair of lined LLBean pants ($8), and I found a pair of jeans ($4).

The addition to the LV library is looking good. The new refrigerator and microwave are ready to be installed in the meeting room, which has its own entrance so it can be used when the library is closed. Will they offer it up for alumni reunion planning meetings? Wedding receptions? Republican county committee meetings?

Sunday, November 02, 2008

20 years = 2 wheels

Because I have worked at the same job for 20 years (does anyone last that long anymore at one spot?) I got to choose whatever I wanted out of the 20-year, "thank you for sticking with us" catalog.

Considering my lack of interest in jewelry or power tools, the choice was easy. What was not easy was the fact that the bike arrived unassembled. But, if there's one thing for sure, it is that Cullen understands how cables and gears and brakes and shifts work, and he even had a helmet (with a blinking light) to throw into the mix.

About one hour later, everything that needed to be attached was attached, the tires were pumped, and I was ready.

Fortunately, if there were a video, it would be dull. No collisions, no crazy dogs, no problems with the brakes when the brakes were important. Now all I need is a basket and I can head out to do the grocery shopping. Maybe...