let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...
Well, at least a little bit.
We woke up this morning to about 3 inches of wet snow.

Shopping report: At Betsy's in Ellicottville, Tom picked up a pair of lined LLBean pants ($8), and I found a pair of jeans ($4).
The addition to the LV library is looking good. The new refrigerator and microwave are ready to be installed in the meeting room, which has its own entrance so it can be used when the library is closed. Will they offer it up for alumni reunion planning meetings? Wedding receptions? Republican county committee meetings?
Nice photo. Sure hope the white stuff doesn't pile up to the point where Tom can't get his run in. Does sound like you'll have plenty of wet weather this week. Should make the firewood loading fun. Stay in. Stay warm. Read a good book.
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