Tuesday, May 06, 2008

bargains and baskets

The price was right--a whole bag of cookie cutters for $3.50, including planes, trucks, lots of bears, hearts...you name it, I now have it. Just don't ask me how often I roll out cookie dough. If I ever get the urge, I'm ready.

The corn may not be planted yet, but nine baskets are filled (with lots of growing room) and about 50 flowering plants are waiting to go into the ground. We bought plants that we've had good luck with in the past (trailing geraniums, verbena, ivy, purple petunias, vinca) and two plants that we know nothing about (beard tongue and penstemon/red rocks). Next, corn, beans, tomatoes, peppers. If Tom hadn't been fighting a cold, they'd be in the ground now.

On the chewing front, because I know you are interested, last night I ate some fish, without first liquifying it in the blender. There's hope!


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