Pie, pie, pie

With the risk of forgetting something, here's the menu: free-range turkey, sweet potato casserole, corn, mashed potatoes, cranberry relish (the real kind, made by Carol, with chopped nuts and fruit, and the regular), Matthew's green bean casserole, Tom's oyster stuffing and cole slaw, regular stuffing, excellent gravy (what's the secret Mark?), champagne, wine, and pie.

That is Cullen's dessert plate, with a slice of Carol's pecan pie on the left and my pumpkin pie on the right. I thought I was doing pretty well to manage to put one pie together, and then I found out that Alyssa made five (that's 5) pie crusts for her mother!

This gives me hope. There are some great Memmott pies in our future.
One more photo (thank you Alicia).

That's Leah and Russell, showing us how to relax, leave the dishes and baking to someone else, slow down, and hang tight with a good dog, who knows how to settle in by a friend.