If you have to run a race...

Bridget's race, except for starting in the dark, was a great one for the spectators. We had time to walk back to the hotel, pick up the car, drive through some gorgeous areas of San Francisco, and get in position for the finish without a problem.
For more photos of the race, check here, if you haven't already.
Her predictions were way off (what's with this 30-minute faster than predicted stuff?), but we still managed to be in position in time for an almost photo finish. That's Bridget off to the right, in a purple shirt, passing the woman in the yellow shirt.

Carved doors, and more stained glass than I have seen in a while, including John Glenn in his astronaut suit in one large window.
Good, if not great, restaurants everywhere, and weather that was fantastic, as long as we dressed in layers.

Dinner with Sara and Sergio at a Thai restaurant in Oakland. Many thanks to them for being willing to come up with a restaurant and spend the evening with us. Good to hear that Sara's 2nd graders are manageable!
Happy dogs everywhere.

What would I not do again? The Kiefer exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art. Room after room of huge, dark paintings emphasizing man's inhumanity to man, the evil that abounds in the world, the dark clouds we all live under...This is one German artist who needs to cheeer up.