orange and black

There was some talk that we all ought to order Converse sneakers for next year. Heck, the whole alumni association might want to do a bulk order.
Managed to slip in a few non-alumni related activities. Now that the house across the street is empty, we have a clear path to the creek, and at least one neighborhood inhabitant was willing to check it out.
The repair on the Adirondack chair took 8 screws, some wood glue, and one can of cherry red spray paint (total cost still under $20). And we certainly managed to eat and spend a fair amount of time aiming the digital cameras at each other.
We became the amusement for people having brunch at the tables outside Dina's.
I liked the suggestion from one woman that we slip in someone we didn't know, so that years from now we could puzzle over just who that woman was. Cousin Sue? Aunt Irma?