If you are what you eat...

Tom came in to our holiday lunch at headquarters today (I think there's a law against mentioning the place where one works by name). Tenderloin beef, spiced shrimp, rockfish, asparagus that was tender but not mushy, mashed potatoes with garlic, squash, some kind of vegetable mix that looked like potatoes but was spicier, steamed dumplings, salad with pecans and sliced pears...things I am leaving out, and then a dessert buffet--creme brulet, chocolate cake with raspberry filling, an espresso bar, wine, flowers, and then we closed for the day.
So I went shopping, with the intention of making some progress on Christmas gifts, especially those for siblings. I went to Target and bought a clock radio for a church donation, went to Costco and checked out every aisle, but bought nothing, went to Pier 1 and checked out ornaments and place mats, but bought nothing, went to Staples and checked out paper shredders but didn't buy, and went to Michael's and checked out all the possibilities (how many different ways are there to do a scrapbook?) and bought nothing. By that time I was getting depressed, so I stopped in at a consignment store right near us and spent $8.
They probably aren't worth much, but they're not plastic.
According to the weather report, we may have snow, sleet and ice after midnight. We're ready. We had the snow tires put on the car today.