Sunday, May 10, 2009

if anybody asks, it's an art installation

Clothes lines are forbidden down in our area--maybe not in the whole state of Maryland, but in our homeowner's association. This afternoon Tom put one up. Does a clothesline exist if it can't be seen?

It's been a great mother's day weekend. Bridget took the Vamoose bus down from NYC yesterday (left NY 15 minutes early, arrived 30 minutes early). Tom did salmon and Yorkshire pudding (without roast beef!) last night for the 4 of us, and this afternoon he made a lot of progress in the garden. Many marigolds went in, and some purple vincas.

The oddest plant so far is this one.

We've lost its name, but five of them are in full bloom. They are about 3 feet high, and the blossom is the size of a grapefruit. If I weren't so busy relaxing, I could check some catalogs.

In the category of "plants we thought we had killed," the ferns we transplanted last year from 413 Fair Oaks have come back and are spreading.

Makes for a happy corner in the garden.


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