Saturday, April 11, 2009


How many 64 year olds get to celebrate this? The last of the braces came off this morning. I am now learning how to talk with my new—almost invisible— retainer (upper only). Next of many steps, permanent crowns. I'm hoping to be done by the time I am fully eligible for social security.

Cullen's 10-mile Cherry Blossom time was incredibly good. He's in a tough group—those early-40 males—and placed very high (24/861 40-44m). If his parents were a little better organized we would have been there shooting photos.

Congratulations to Mark on the start of his new job at NPR! I don't think I've ever read such a generous farewell.

Lots of birthdays in the family in April, but of the 4-legged kind, here's to Henry and Eli.

Born April 1, 2000 (give or take a few hours), they would place high in a hot water bottle competition.


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