what we did on our summer vacation
We lucked out on the weather. The heaviest part of the work—rototilling, raking, picking up sod and rocks—was done in sunshine.
And after the fertilizing, seeding, and spreading of "ripe" hay (even Martha now knows how to use a hay fork)—it rained, which is good for new seed.
Filled the two urns for the cemetery
Put up the porch shades
Had a fish fry at the Flavor Haus with Roger and Eileen
Dinner at Tips Up with Ross and Jeannie
Spent about 4 hours at the Dunn auction
Loaded the truck with almost everything we "won" at the auction
Met Jim and Ed at Dina's for breakfast
Hemmed the drapes in Martha's room
Repaired the bedspread in the rose room
Depleted Martha's wine supply
Ate spaghetti with Martha's marinara sauce with Ross and Jeannie
Attended the Gettysburg address in the cemetery, complete with a pretty righteous diatribe against any war dissenters
Ate on the porch afterward: burgers, hot dogs, cole slaw, deviled eggs, cupcakes, chocolate cake, pasta salad, chips and dip
Found 60 year old toys for Sean and Ryan
Witnessed a race between Ryan and Ed (Ryan is fast!)
And, as I write this, Tom and Martha are upstairs carpeting closets.
What else did we do?
Gaithersburg is going to seem restful.
WOW! That is exhausting to read. What are you doing with all the winnings from the auction? All of it headed to Gaithersburg?
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