old lady celebrates
Because the tourist season hasn't really begun, we practically had a private chef: Friday night blackened salmon, Saturday night filet mignon with a blue cheese horseradish dressing.
Saturday we did the Academy Art Museum in Easton, which we had to ourselves—a collection of prints donated by a Washington collector: etchings, lithographs, woodcuts, aquatints... Lunch at a small restaurant which has added a wine bar to its chocolate store. (The Ellicottville chocolate store might want to give that a try.)
Then we drove as far as we could on Tilghman Island and walked to a fenced-in Naval Research operation. Lots of whirling spy-type equipment.
Tom does blustery stuff better than I do. It may be the hair.
Looks like the "old lady" celebrated in style. And you did that without the kids? The kind of place Nicki and I would stay.
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