Depending upon who you ask

Those of you who know any Little Valley history are probably betting on the tennis court, considering that he and Jerry built the first dirt (LV term for clay) tennis court behind their house at 214 Fair Oaks Street numerous years ago. Archie Frank came in with a bulldozer ($80), the net was ordered out of New York City, iron posts were sunk in the ground, some kind of wooden template was built for marking the lines with lime, and the tennis matches began. The posts are still standing. Ancient history. Probably in the early 1960s.

Not that this will make it a lot clearer, but there's a plan now, to work on an area farther in from the road, kill the weeds, rent a rototiller from "Merows", thatch the area, and replant. "Plan" is the operative word. The weeds need to be sprayed, they need to wither and die, and then the thatching can be done. Late this fall? Early next spring? It's a work in progress.
The plot that was seeded close to the sidewalk, despite the horrible rocky soil, is looking good. Ready to be mowed.
We made one quick stop into Betsy's secondhand shop yesterday. Check this purse out. I knew it was good leather, good enough so I didn't think I could lose when I bought it for $12, but it's always good to have that confirmed.
You were expecting a Bucky report?
Yes, I was expecting a Bucky report. Seems like being so close to the action that at least we'd get a count of police cars roaring up the street to join the manhunt. Mom would have done that. It would have gone into her journal. Along with a notation that no snow plows went out that day.
I'm a little unclear, even with the map, as to the lawn plan - but that's okay. Sounds like you and Tom need to make frequent return trips to LV to continue the process?
First of all, I remember that tennis court and the adventures surrounding it. I believe there was also a kid size "doll house" in front of the tennis court.
Second, is there anything you CAN'T get in Merows?
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