Memorial Day
Tonight's picture is courtesy of Bridget, who found it in a frame underneath one of her high school graduation pictures. Certainly a dapper man, looking a lot happier than he probably was in that uniform. Ask him about the Cuba missle crisis sometime.
Pot luck night tonight, but I was left to do the cooking so I tried two new recipes, one a pineapple pie recipe I found on the Web. This was a winner. The only drawback is the effort it takes to cut up a fresh pineapple, but the rest was a piece of cake (groan). The muffins are cheese muffins, a recipe out of my old Joy of Cooking (1975).
Thank God someone brought some salmon and vegetables. Could it get more exciting?

I didn't spend a cent at the second-hand store this weekend, but Tom came home with some bargains, with the winner probably being this wooden cat, about 2 feet tall, with one slightly off kilter eye. That should keep the evil demons out of the garden.

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