40 acres and a mule

Just to prove that there are some bargains I can resist. We spent a few hours yesterday at a farm auction, right in the middle of Gaithersburg. The last big farm is going to be "developed" and Saturday was the auction of all the farm equipment and whatever was left of the household goods. We were too late to watch the bidding on the old tractors and spreaders and things like that (I kept watch for Ron Adams, but never saw him). I wimped out on the one or two bids I was willing to start, and didn't even try on the bird cages, or 50 pint boxes, or 20-ft barn tables that went for $3 each.
So to cheer me up after a total wipe out at the open air auction, we did a quick stop at Tina's. $12.50 for another set of dishes (4 plates make a set?) At that price, we now have some summer dishes [Pfaltzgraff; those coffee cups hold 2 cups (I measured)].

Should I be worried? I had the TV on while I was making a little effort at housecleaning and got caught by an episode of some show about odd houses. You know the kind of show. The woman who has 12 geese living in her house, all wearing costumes she sewed for them. And another who put slate and marble on every surface of her house because it was better for her Black Labrador. Finally, the old guy who "decorated" his log cabin with coffee cups: "there's 97 cups hanging from that beam!" Cups hanging from every rafter and attached to every log of the cabin. And I'm wondering, what's so odd about him?
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