new toy
Did I mention that I finally bought a scanner/printer? Last night Tom retrieved boxes of old photo albums and loose pictures, and I started in. Now I appreciate what Ed has done. Most of the photos in all our old albums are unlabeled, and amazingly repetitive. There is no way I am going to be able to scan every photo. So I'm going to aim a little lower. To justify my lack of staying power, I will scan the photos I like a lot—those that for better or worse I remember and don't ever want to lose. Pretty mushy justification, but you all have the power of the mouse. So here's the photo of the week.
I like the light from the window, but especially the kindness of the subjects, who were willing to be patient with such a slow photographer.

On a more contemporary note, I feel famous just to be related to someone who looks so mature (quite a lot of gray in that goatee) and is so articulate with the camera rolling. We would have missed it, but Cullen called in from his car to say that he was pretty sure he was hearing Mark on CSPAN, and there he was. Great Saturday night TV.

The birthday dinner was heavy on the side of red meat, but certainly lacking in sugar. Instead of cake or pie, we had fresh pineapple and strawberries. The biggest hit was the scarf from Bridget, one of first things she has knit, and immediately needed. Darn cold around here this weekend.
Love the picture! Thanks for posting it. -Patricia
Thanks to Mark's and Martha's warnings I managed to get the entire C-SPAN episode on tape.
The real question is: Why is Cullen listening to C-SPAN in his car on a Saturday night?
Oops, Meant 'on a Monday night.' The question still begs, though.
Actually, it was a Sat.
Does this mean I'm officially old?
yes, I realized later that the rebroadcast was on a Sat.... Oh, to be young and listening to C-SPAN radio!
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